Monday, November 21, 2011


Tonight i saw 2001 Space Odyssey for the first time and was pretty amazed. I had low expectations because id been told by a few people that it was the slowest film ever created and when things finally happen they dont make any sense anyway . . . BUT i have to seriously disagree. It was slow but that didnt really bother me, i wasnt in any rush and the points being made during the slow scenes were the clues to the greater themes the film was discussing. I felt pretty smug with myself for completely following the film all the way through, or rather being content with my interpretations right until the star baby at the end, that lost me. 

Not being able to cope with my own brilliant mind letting me down i turned to the obvious intellectual superior . . . google. As usual google cleared it up for me with the following flash animated explanation. This clears up everything start to finish. When youve seen the/an explanation in full the film itself is shown for the brilliant observation that it is. Wanky-drifting-through-space-for-20-minute scenes or not i loved it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Talking of Music

Hello all my close friends. I say all my close friends because I highly doubt anyone other than the people i link to this will be reading this . . . for now. This is my new blog that im actually going to stick to. I really do genuinely love a wide variety of music and always use the excuse of instant communication and discovery as my defence for internet piracy so it is only just that i should contribute to the discovery of music. If by some freak accident or miraculous chance you have stumbled across this blog and we havent met in person here are my top ten albums i can think of right now! . . . and some videos!! . . of the bands!!!! 

1. The National - High Violet

2. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

3. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago

4. Beach House - Teen Dream

5. Gold Panda - Lucky Shiner

If you like these than keep checking this blog, ill post whenever i really like something that i hear, which is often. You may even be treated to hilarious personal anecdotes. I would also like to post tracks i create of various genres for bands that i invent based on band names i wish were real.